I’ve said a bunch of times that Yasutaka Nakata circa 2008 would have been a great fit for Kylie, given that so much of what he was producing at the time was of a similar vibe as her 2001 album, Fever. A album which would become Kylie’s quintessential album and establish a new baseline for her sound and her look. The latter of which Ami Suzuki wasted no time in
The version above is an edited version to match the performance. You can hear the full version here.
I don’t know why I’d never thought to do this mashup before. But me quickly making a short version of one for a video I posted to Twitter caught traction and had people asking me to make a full length version. I was reluctant at first, because I couldn’t hear how the full thing would work in my head, and I didn’t think it would be interesting enough as a full song. But once I started playing around and got what the structure should be, I said ‘Fuck it’ and made a full version. I made this a month ago and sat on it, because that’s how long it took for me to like it enough to share it.
Kylie. When you next play a show in Japan, perform this.
She’d probably make the news if she did. She’d certainly have the Perfume fandom talking. And maybe we’d finally get her and Nakata in the studio together.